Thursday, August 11, 2016

Sunday in Krosno

What a difference a day makes!  Yesterday evening the market square, called the Rynek, in Krosno, Poland, was cold and deserted. 

This Sunday afternoon it is a pleasant 75 degrees and packed with families.  Dress is casual, not high couture like the market square in Rzeszow.
On one side of the square a stage is set up by the well, with musicians singing and playing the guitar and harmonica.  Children play in a huge sandpit by the fountain, riding their bikes, and chasing each other around the square, while their parents chat with friends and family.  As the sun sets, the street lamps come on, along with lights in the fountain and in the trees, adding to the party atmosphere.  Sitting in an outdoor café under a huge tent, I watch people and write, sipping on a cool Pina Colada. 
Never again will I call Polish food bland.  This breaded chicken roll, stuffed with mushrooms and cheese, served with sweet coleslaw and rice, is very tasty.  I used to think Polish food was nothing but sausages and pierogies, but I haven't had a bad meal here yet.  The vegetables and potatoes are fresh, the soups are savory, the meat is never overdone, and they always have tureens of garlic sauce and a tangy red sauce to accompany every dish, even pizza.
As the party winds down, I head back towards the historic Hotel Sniezka to prepare for my visit tomorrow to an ancient mineral water spa in Iwonicz Zdroj.

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