Saturday, November 5, 2016

Trump is the Great Gatsby

Like the Great Gatsby in the classic novel by F. Scott Fitzgerald, Trump flaunts his ostentatious wealth from suspicious sources.  He's always trying to impress the top two percent, who will never give him the respect he craves.  Form over substance.  This describes Trump.

The only thing which Trump is great at is lending his name, but like everything else about him, not even this is real.  His real name is Drumpf and he's German, not Swedish.  He'll never release his tax statements, because he doesn't want anyone knowing the unsavory characters who have laundered money in his hotels.  The ultimate achievement for him would be becoming President, but he's done nothing to prepare for this role, other than boast and try to intimidate his more worthy competitors.

Even his slogan is a lie.  He doesn't want to make America great again.  He wants to make it white again.  He appeals to people who are disappointed they never achieved the American dream and want to blame someone else for it.

It's like junior high all over again.  The bullies dominate the schoolyard and their chief targets are those more intelligent than themselves.  So of course he has to denigrate the woman who earned a law degree from a prestigious Ivy League university and whose inspirational commencement address from college was featured in Life Magazine.  He could never understand why anyone would dedicate her life to helping others rather than chasing money.

The sad thing is Hilary Rodham Clinton would never even have had a chance of being elected President if there was a decent Republican male candidate.  Sexism is alive and well in America.

While I expect contempt from disgruntled men, what is most disheartening is how many women have bought into this oppressive female bashing.  Until women learn to support each other, despite our cultural, racial, and class differences, we will always be subject to the outrageous whims of bullies like Drumpf.

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