I'm pleased with myself for walking ten minutes uphill and standing for another ten minutes at the bus stop. I even manage to find the right bus and get off at the right stop. This may sound easy to you, but believe me, it's quite a feat when you don't speak the language.
I wander into the old pump house and peek into a treatment room, where they're filling a copper tub with steaming mineral water. By the way, you can tell the spa patrons from the tourists by their canes. If anyone stops me at the spa, I just limp away. Works every time.
I decide to try the ice cream, but the lines are too long. You can always tell which ice cream is best by the length of the line in front of a nondescript window. Usually I can cheer myself up with a good lunch, but not today. The restaurant/gallery is atmospheric, but the food is bland. I actually leave half of it on the plate, which if you know me, rarely ever happens.
Finally, I take a taxi back to the Hotel Cynamon in Nowy Sacz, where the hotel owner makes me a lovely cup of tea, along with some bickies (cookies for you Yanks). Thankfully, I'm safe in my room when the thunder starts, heralding more rain. Time to watch Polish TV